new I2a+ DNA samples Sarakina (Rethymno, Crete, Greece)

24 Jun 2024 I realised that in FTDNA system new DNA sample appeared under name Sarakina 8. It is designated as “ancient” DNA sample appeared in the FTDNA Globetrekker system, although time is rather close to notable people “thing”.



  • Sarakina 8 was a ca 56 year old older man who lived between 1885 – 1941 CE during the World War II Age and was found in the region now known as Sarakina, Rethymno, Crete, Greece.
  • He was associated with the Modern Cretan cultural group and the World War II execution of Adele citizens.
  • His direct maternal line belonged to mtDNA haplogroup H1u.
  • Reference: Sarakina_08 from Nikolaos et al. 2024
Nikolaos et al. 2024
Identification of the 18 World War II executed citizens of Adele, Rethymnon, Crete using an ancient DNA approach and low coverage genomes
And it’s 3rd in the list of my closest ancient DNA samples:
Sarakina – Adele modern route is not a direct line. Map link.
Closest SNP chain:
CTS10228 > S20602 > Y4460 > Y3106 > S8201 > Y8942
It’s long time we got some ancient DNA samples nearby Y3106, so it’s rather good update… But DNA sample person is unknown, so I guess that is why it is under “section” of ancient DNA samples. And it’s 3rd “ancient” DNA sample under I-Y4460 branch.
Note that SNP chain for me:
  • S20602 > Y4460 > Y3106 > FT10535 > FT9301 > FGC63213 > FT89045

The age of SNP Y8942 is calculated near 100 BCE, and so far FTDNA Globetrekker defines it as migration path was somewhere between lands of modern Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.
In particular Y8942 spread is a bit wider (if we look to Explore of S8201):

So could it be actually someone not from Crete?



SNP Tracker



YFULL doesn’t have data yet under SNP I-Y8942.


There are two other DNA samples from Sarakina and FTDNA designated him under I-S20602 \ I-PH908 \
  • Sarakina 6
    • ca 60 year old older man who lived between 1881 – 1941 CE during the World War II Age
    • yDNA:I-BY37513
    • mtDNA: H1u
    • no data on YFULL yet (should be somewhere on same level as Y32084).
  • Sarakina 9
    • ca 38 year old man who lived between 1903 – 1941 CE during the World War II Age
    • yDNA SNP I-BY37513 \ I-PH2898 
    • mtDNA: H4a1c
    • no data on YFULL yet (should be somewhere on same level as PH3310).

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